In Honor of Marcia Hafif

I was saddened by the news of Marcia Hafif's passing this April. I had the chance to interview her for Parnass Kunstmagazine in the spring of 2017. It was such a delightful day as we talked about her practice of fifty years, as well as various aspects of her life. It was an honor to spend quality time with Marcia in her Laguna Beach studio. She described herself as tri-coastal, which I could very well relate to. 

On my next trip to LA I decided to also record some video with her and she was very happy for me to come back with filmmaker Jeffrey Johnson and speak more the work. Marcia was an artist who was always thinking, observing, processing the world around her. 

Up until the end of her career, Hafif continued working. “I’m still painting,” she told ARTnews in 2015. But she added that she wasn’t done being critical of painting, either: “I’m just not painting a subject, other than the painting itself.”
— Alex Greenberger, ARTnews