Travel: Hong Kong

This September I was able to visit Hong Kong and explore some of the art scene outside of a typical Art Basel week. My interactions included meetings wth the director of CoBo Social, Selina Tang, as well as Alexandra Seno from Asia Art Archive. It was great to speak with several artists and curators how have witnessed the explosion of the art scene over the last five years. It was particularly valuable to connect with a long time friend Aenon Loo, who is the former director of White Cube HK and has an incredible knowledge of art in the region and beyond. The influence of Western galleries is quite strong, however I am most excited about seeing the private collections that have encouraged various forms of galleries to flourish and many have settled in the new gallery neighborhood of Aberdeen. The night I landed I was able to attend an opening at one of the K11 Foundation galleries, featuring several artists around the them of nature and sustainability, organized by a talented young curator and artist Enoch Cheng. 
